Exploring Tokyo, and Finding Gems

Exploring the streets of Tokyo with my Swedish friend Lina, we came across the coolest place! At first glance what seemed to be a heavily graffitied shack, turned out to be an underground art gallery and monjayaki restaurant. Here the younger (and in my opinion, cooler) Japanese come to hang out, look at the crazy, sometimes awesome, and sometimes terrible art and photography covering the inside of this building. There's everything from illustrations, to hand made crafts and nick-naks, to artistic photography, a lot of which is for sale. And when your done scanning the walls of the many entrancing rooms, or perhaps before, there's a restaurant in the back under tents and trees and planks of wood. Here people are found gathered with their friends around tables which are almost entirely made of a giant hot-plate (minus a few spare inches around the ledge). Here you simply get a bowl of ingredients, and cook your own food! .... and its so strange and interesting how. When we first ordered, we weren't sure we were doing it right because it looked like puke. When we asked about it, it turns out we were doing fine. It does look like puke. BUT it tasted pretty damn good anyhow... And they have crazy-awesome drink specials at lunch time ;)
One of the most surreal buildings I've come across, and well worth the visit.

This is definitely added to my treasure


To get a look at the insane Tokyo street style, you should check out my friend Lina's Blog:



  1. Yeah! I ran into that place when I was walking around Tokyo with a friend. It was just insane, but fascinating, too. It really isn't all that big a place, but it's easy to get lost in it because it's hard to know when you've reached the end of it as it winds around into and out of several adjoining buildings. Definitely worth seeing. I think I'll mention it when I get to that part of my Japan Image Series, although I didn't take any pictures of it.


  2. you definitely should! its so raaddd!
