THIS is definitely a treasure I've come across. I actually went on a mission so that i could get it. Let me tell you... trying to find a bank that accepts foreign bank cards is A LOT more difficult in tokyo than one might think. Lina and I searched for over 40 minutes asking anyone who looked like they might speak english, (or have skills with sharades), where we could find a Citi bank. Damn stores that only take cash! Anyway, we got it just on time before the store closed. SO lucky <3

I met a new friend today. His name is Hulk Hogan. And he is pretty rad. Especially because he's made of cardboard... and is missing body parts.

Anyway this is the sweater I found at a flee market, and I'm kind of in love with it. it reminds me a bit of Pendleton meets Opening Ceremony. Check out the above pic and lemme' know if you agree :)